Your puppy will need to be shown repeatedly where to relieve himself so that he knows the proper place to go.
The crate is a valuable tool, just like a playpen for a child. When purchasing a crate, get one that will accommodate your puppy’s size when he is full-grown. Introduce your dog to the crate using his favorite toy, blanket, or treats. Make this a fun and positive experience for you and your new puppy!
Use positive reinforcement when potty training your puppy. Praise your puppy with a treat, a pat on the head, and a happy voice for good behaviors, like eliminating outside, letting you know when he needs to relieve himself, or entering the crate with a good attitude.
Remember that a puppy can only hold “it” for about an hour for each month old that they are. (Up to 12 months). Example, if your puppy is 4 months old, he can hold “it” for about 4 hours. Therefore you need to take your puppy outside frequently. Again, repetition is the key to successful potty training.
If these tips are followed and done repetitively, it should only take 2-3 weeks for your puppy to get the hang of things. Be patient with your new puppy, and have fun!
Invisible Urine Odors – Invisible urine odors in carpet attract dogs to repeatedly re-urinate on affected areas. This makes housebreaking very difficult, if not impossible.
If there is no way to show where the urine odor sources are, you don’t know where to treat the urine stains. Consequently, the pets are repeatedly attracted to those areas to re-urinate on them. The best solution is to locate the invisible urine odors with a urine detector blacklight.
PU Housetraining BELLY BAND Wrappers™
Would you like to stop a male dog, or male dogs from peeing, urinating and/or marking in your house? Finally, you can stop the peeing! The Male Dog Housetraining Belly Band Wrappers™ are specially designed to stay on your dog and train male dogs do their business outdoors. Included is a FREE Step-by-Step Training Manual (authored by a Dog Behaviorists who has 25+ years experience housetraining male dogs). With the Male Dog Housetraining Belly Band Wrappers™, in 1 – 3 days your dog/s will finally STOP peeing, urinating and/or marking in the house!
(Wrappers are neutral tan in color, blue in picture is for contrast only)
"Gotta Go" Dog Doorbell Training System
With the acclaimed training DVD included, learn to teach your dog to tell you when she wants to go outside! Learn More.

An effective deterrent to keep your pet from re-urinating in the area/s you've cleaned by eliminate the urine scent. Learn More.
Disposable Cat Diapers & Dog Diapers
Sizes from x-Small to X-Large
Disposable Cat Diapers and Dog Diapers
Let your cat, kitten, dog or puppy, roam around the house again! These disposable cat, kitten, dog & puppy diapers come in many sizes and will work for all sizes of cats and dogs. Comes with 10 diapers per pack.
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ONLY $19.95
You have a right to be leery of products that claim urine removal from carpet & upholstery.
Give the Prove-It! Kit™ a chance to do what it's named for! Learn More
BASIC URINE Cleaning System
nOW ONLY $44.95
Cleans up to 200 sq. ft
Basic spot cleaning for light dog, cat or human urine stains & odors. Perfect for mild stain & odor removal from carpet & upholstery! Learn More
Ultimate 1 Cleaning System
nOW ONLY $63.95
Cleans up to 200 sq. ft.
The Ultimate I Cleaning System is designed for serious spot cleaning for dog, cat or human urine, vomit & fecal stains and odors. Cleans carpet & upholstery! Learn More
NOW ONLY - $99.95
FREE Odor Detector Blacklight / Cleans up to 400 sq. ft
The Ultimate II is great for cleaning large areas (full sized room up to 400 sq. ft.). Cleans large amounts of old dry; dog urine, cat urine, human urine, vomit or fecal stains & odors. NOW YOU'RE GETTING VERY SERIOUS!
For Heavier Urine Stains & Urine Odors on Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery! Learn More
NOW ONLY - $147.95
FREE Odor Detector Blacklight / Cleans up to 900 sq. ft
Do you feel like a MONSTER has been peeing in your home? This kit is "Godzilla" sized to help you clean several rooms (a whole house, up to 900 sq. ft.!). Cleans old dry; dog urine, cat urine, human urine, vomit or fecal stains and odors. NOW YOU'RE ARMED FOR BATTLE!
For VERY HEAVY Urine Stains & VERY HEAVY Urine Odors on Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery! Learn More



Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Large hard Surface Cleaning System II
Godzilla Sized to clean Large Areas, up to 500 sq. ft. The Large Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Learn More
Urine Odor Detector Blacklight
Planet Urine's Urine Odor Detector Blacklight helps you locate INVISIBLE sources of urine odors in carpets, hardwood floors, tile, upholstery and other surfaces when no stains are visible.
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