CATSCRAM™ ultrasonic housetraining aid
CatScram™ Ultrasonic Cat Housetraining Aid
ONLY $64.95
Finally, a safe and effective aid to keep cat off counter, keep cat off furniture, keep cats out of a room, keep cats off table or bed. Repel cats from unwanted areas, Guaranteed Results! Learn More.
Now Only! $64.95/ea.
(Additional units only
Note: Operates with 9V battery (not included). AC Adapter with a 4 foot cord is also available.

- STOP cats from sneaking off (and doing you-know-what) in unwanted rooms and areas!!
- Keep your cats OFF countertops, table tops, furniture & drapes!!
- Keep your kittens, cats, or neighborhood cats, AWAY from outside areas!
Now, thanks to CatScram™, training a cat to avoid areas has become possible. CatScram™ Ultrasonic Housetraining Aid makes any area off limits to cats, even when you are sound asleep or nobody is home. It utilizes a passive infrared motion detector to sense when your cat nears the 90-degree protected area.

How the CatScram™ Ultrasonic Housetraining Aid Works
The unit then emits a series of strong pulsating ultrasonic sound waves that repel your cat, training it to stay away. The ultrasonic waves are heard by KITTENS and CATS ONLY, and are INAUDIBLE TO DOGS and HUMANS .
Cats find the sound so uncomfortable that the areas guarded by CatScram™ Ultrasonic Housetraining are soon avoided altogether!
Because it uses sound waves, no bulky self-correcting collar needs to be worn. The CatScram™ Ultrasonic Housetraining Aid guards up to an adjustable 15-foot range or more (up to a 225 Sq. Ft. area). It operates on a 9 volt battery, or use a $$ saving AC Adapter.
CatScram™ keeps kittens or cats away from designated areas, to protect your belongings and your kitten or cat. It can keep kittens and cats away from poisonous plants, Christmas Trees, hot stovetops, balconies and dangerous machinery. Great for all areas!
“Dear Planet Urine,
I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with your CatScram. I was desperate to find a solution to our problem. We did not want to have to get rid of our cats! We put it in a room, and a month later the cats will still not enter that room!! It is a marvelous devise, and we recommend it wholeheartedly to all who have similar problems.
Thank you very much for helping to solve a very frustrating problem at our house!”
“The CATSCRAM I ordered from your company was delivered to me last Friday and I immediately took it out of the box and began using it. In my case, it only took a few seconds and my cat has not wandered into the dining area since then.
Thank heavens for your products. No more duct taping plastic bags to walls, doors, and plastic runners.”
“The Cat Scrams are working great too. I put one by my back door where the cats hang out in hopes of a quick escape. Now they are never over there and I can go in and out without them trying to sneek by me. The other is downstairs protecting the area I just cleaned and they are never over there either.”



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