Furniture & Upholstery Urine Stain & Odor Removal

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Getting old urine, vomit or fecal stains and odors out of furniture and upholstery is a tough undertaking. Use our helpful tips and proven products, like UrineOut Powder™ cleaning sponges, to get the job done.
“Thank you for your miracle cleaner! I used it on my leather couch, my cat decided to urinate on repeatedly after I had used several other products. Much to my surprise and delight it took every little bit of the urine smell and stain out!” – Diana S., Aloha, Oregon
“I am amazed!! We just bought a new house a couple weeks ago and a new couch and loveseat. My male cat urinated all over my new loveseat. Then my sister told me about a lady at work that used your product and swore by it. I decided to give it a try. I have never been so impressed with a product. Thank you so much. My couch is smell free. What a miracle!” – Lisa R., Manteca, CA
Follow these directions to REMOVE the old dry dog, cat, or human urine stains and odors from furniture and upholstery:
Locate the areas where visible dog or cat urine stains or odors are noticeable. If you can’t see any stains, but you can smell urine odor, then you need to use a Planet Urine’s Odor Detector Blacklight to locate the soiled areas.
Step 1: Spray the UrineRelease Pre-Spray to loosen old/dry urine.
Step 2: Cover the area with UrineOut Powder™ cleaning sponges.
Step 3: Brush the UrineOut Powder™ cleaning sponges onto the area. As the Powder dries it “sponges up” and absorbs the urine.
Step 4: After the Powder cleaning sponges have dried, vacuum it out. Urine stains and odors are gone!
Step 5: Now, make amends with your pet or child. Because at Planet Urine we make it easy to forgive your best friend!
Furniture and Upholstery Cleaning Systems
ONLY $19.95
You have a right to be leery of products that claim urine removal from carpet & upholstery.
Give the Prove-It! Kit™ a chance to do what it's named for! Learn More
BASIC URINE Cleaning System
nOW ONLY $44.95
Cleans up to 200 sq. ft
Basic spot cleaning for light dog, cat or human urine stains & odors. Perfect for mild stain & odor removal from carpet & upholstery! Learn More
Ultimate 1 Cleaning System
nOW ONLY $63.95
Cleans up to 200 sq. ft.
The Ultimate I Cleaning System is designed for serious spot cleaning for dog, cat or human urine, vomit & fecal stains and odors. Cleans carpet & upholstery! Learn More
NOW ONLY - $99.95
FREE Odor Detector Blacklight / Cleans up to 400 sq. ft
The Ultimate II is great for cleaning large areas (full sized room up to 400 sq. ft.). Cleans large amounts of old dry; dog urine, cat urine, human urine, vomit or fecal stains & odors. NOW YOU'RE GETTING VERY SERIOUS!
For Heavier Urine Stains & Urine Odors on Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery! Learn More
NOW ONLY - $147.95
FREE Odor Detector Blacklight / Cleans up to 900 sq. ft
Do you feel like a MONSTER has been peeing in your home? This kit is "Godzilla" sized to help you clean several rooms (a whole house, up to 900 sq. ft.!). Cleans old dry; dog urine, cat urine, human urine, vomit or fecal stains and odors. NOW YOU'RE ARMED FOR BATTLE!
For VERY HEAVY Urine Stains & VERY HEAVY Urine Odors on Carpets, Rugs & Upholstery! Learn More
UrineOut Powder™ - Get Urine Stains & Odors Out!
The ONLY way to completely clean the dog urine, cat urine or human urine stains and odors is to use a DRY POWDER cleaning process - a process that "sponges" up urine and ABSORBS it, thereby REMOVING the source of the dog urine, cat urine or human urine stains and smell from your carpet... PERMANENTLY!



Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II
The Small Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Remove pet stains for good! Learn More
Large hard Surface Cleaning System II
Godzilla Sized to clean Large Areas, up to 500 sq. ft. The Large Hard Surface Cleaning System II is designed for the removal of BOTH stains &/or odors. It removes dog urine, cat urine & human urine in hard surfaces such as hardwood floors, tile, grout, concrete, etc. Learn More
Urine Odor Detector Blacklight
Planet Urine's Urine Odor Detector Blacklight helps you locate INVISIBLE sources of urine odors in carpets, hardwood floors, tile, upholstery and other surfaces when no stains are visible.
Learn More