Don’t Live with Stains and Smells – What You can do Today to Make Your Home Smell Better

Unpleasant odors from litter boxes, pet food or even pet fur become more annoying in summer, when temperatures are high. Here is what you can do today to make your home smell better.Find the smelly placesIf a bad smell of pet urine or vomit persists in your home or in a certain room, it is […]

Written By HW HW

On September 6, 2020

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Don’t Live with Stains and Smells – What You can do Today to Make Your Home Smell Better

Unpleasant odors from litter boxes, pet food or even pet fur become more annoying in summer, when temperatures are high. Here is what you can do today to make your home smell better.

Find the smelly places

If a bad smell of pet urine or vomit persists in your home or in a certain room, it is possible that they come from hidden places. Check the corners of the room and under the bed, under the cupboards or even on the lower shelves, where pets could have marked their territory. If the stains are old and not easy to notice, you can use a fluorescent lamp that highlights them. You can find such lamps in pet stores.

Use non-toxic and enzymatic cleaning agents to neutralize odors

Enzymatic solutions will reduce the possibility of pets urinating several times in the same place, as it removes the original odor. Buy a special quality product – look at the best cleaner for dog urine on hardwood floors and carpets – UrineOut Powder – to remove the specific smell and follow exactly the instructions on the package, to completely get rid of unpleasant pet odors from your house.

Frequently wash and disinfect dishes from which pets eat and drink, using soap and water. Wash the bed and areas of the house where the animals like to sleep or sit, to remove unpleasant odors. Use special cleaning products so as not to damage the surfaces.