Can You Really Remove Pet Urine Stains with a Dry Powder?

If you have a cat or a dog around the house, it’s quite common to have to deal with pet urine in places where it shouldn’t appear. While cats are typically very clean creatures, it’s not uncommon for them to stain your carpet from time to time when they are younger and before they get […]

Written By HW HW

On March 27, 2020

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If you have a cat or a dog around the house, it’s quite common to have to deal with pet urine in places where it shouldn’t appear. While cats are typically very clean creatures, it’s not uncommon for them to stain your carpet from time to time when they are younger and before they get used to the litter box. With dogs, the issue gets worse when they don’t get used to go out before they take care of their needs.Can You Really Remove Pet Urine Stains with a Dry Powder?

Fortunately, cleaning products are now available that can remove pet urine through absorption. The idea is to sprinkle out urine dry carpet powder on the urine, and it will absorb it completely. Then all you have to do is vacuum what’s left. The results will be quite amazing, and you won’t have to get your hands dirty in order to achieve them.

These new types of products can go a long way towards helping you manage pet urine more easily until your cats grow older and until you can train your dog to pee outside. While, in the past, you had to use liquid solutions and the odor was never fully removed, these new powder-based pet stain cleaners are far more efficient, and the fresh, pleasant smell they leave behind will make visitors question whether you even own a pet in the first place.