Belly bands for Male Dogs
If you are interested in purchasing a belly band for your male dog, chances are you have a few questions. You may even be wondering what exactly a belly band is. Or if belly bands actually work as a means to curb urinary incontinence. Well, don’t worry!
The following guide will answer these questions and more. We will even explore how to measure your male dog for a belly band, when belly bands should be used on a male dog, and how to keep your male dog’s belly bands clean.
Without further ado, let’s jump into the world of belly bands and explain how they can be useful for male dog owners and their beloved pets.
What exactly is a belly band?
A belly band is a type of wrap that is used to catch urine from a male dog by fitting around the male dog’s waist and covering his penis. Belly bands are used in a variety of scenarios including assisting a male dog who is incontinent and preventing male dogs from marking their territory. Belly bands are even sometimes used as an intermediary option while a puppy is being potty trained.
At times, belly bands can even deter male dogs from relieving themselves altogether. Other male dogs will still pee while they are wearing a belly band, but at the very least your home will be protected and your furniture will not be stained.
Belly bands come in a variety of sizes and designs. However, in general, there are two main types of belly bands: ones with a reusable pad and bands that require the use of disposable pads.
PlanetUrine prefers a longer band that offers protection from leakage and is easier to clean without a reusable pad sewn in. PlanetUrine prefers this type of belly band because they are more environmentally friendly. When it comes time to wash this type of belly band, the entire belly band goes into the washer and dryer, and then, it’s ready to use again.
Do Belly bands work?
Yes, belly bands are proven to catch urine from a male dog in a variety of situations. Belly bands are proven to assist older male dogs with urinary incontinence, help deter male dogs from marking their territory around the house, and to help owners effectively potty train a puppy.
Basically, if you are concerned that your male dog is marking around your home, you should have your male dog wear a belly band. Most belly bands are made with comfortable fabric and are equipped with an absorbent pad that will hold urine for hours.
However, it is important to note that a male dog should not wear a belly band at all times. Belly bands should only be used as a means to deter your male dog from lifting its leg inside your home. Once it is time for your male dog to go outside, you should remove the belly band and walk them or let them run around the backyard. You should also be sure to clean your male dog’s belly band frequently (more on this later) to prevent your male dog’s skin from becoming irritated.
Now that we have discussed exactly what belly bands are and discussed why they work, let’s look at how to measure your male dog for its own belly band.
How to measure your male dog for a belly band
Measuring your male dog properly is an important step in purchasing a belly band for your male dog. If you fail to measure your male dog properly, the belly band might not fit at all or the belly band will not fit tight enough to absorb all urine. PlanetUrine recommends male dog owners measure the weight of their male dog at various times of day before determining what size belly band will best fit their male dog. A good course of action is to weigh your male dog in the morning, around lunchtime, and after dinner. Once you have a solid understanding of what your male dog weighs, you are ready to use the product’s sizing chart to determine what belly band size to purchase.
Using a pet scale is the easiest way to measure your male dog for a belly band. If you don’t have a pet scale at home, don’t worry. You can also easily use a human scale to measure the weight of your pup. If you are using a human scale, a good course of action is to measure yourself, record your weight, and then pick up your male dog and record the difference. This process will ensure you are accurately measuring your male dog’s weight. Repeat this process at least twice throughout the same day to get an accurate measurement of your male dog’s weight.
Yes, weighing your male dog for a belly band is that easy!
When to use a belly band on your male dog
Are you still wondering when you should use a belly band on your male dog? If so, keep reading to learn more about the many uses of a properly sized belly band.
The most common use of a belly band is to help older male dogs who have developed urinary incontinence as they have aged. In this instance, a belly band will most likely not deter your older male dog from peeing, as your male dog is urinating out of necessity. However, belly bands are an effective solution to assist owners with an incontinent male dog who are trying to protect their home from urine stains.
The next most common use of a belly band is to deter male dogs from marking their territory around the home. In this instance, wearing a belly band may deter your male dog from relieving himself altogether. However, even if your male dog still occasionally attempts to mark his territory, the belly band will absorb this urine and prevent your male dog from staining your home.
Belly bands are also occasionally used to help potty train a puppy. If you leave your puppy at home while you go to work or run errands, you may have trouble continuing to keep up with the demands of potty training. A belly band can be an intermediary solution to help absorb your puppy’s urine while you are away.
How to keep your belly band clean
Belly bands are relatively easy to clean. If you are using a belly band with a sewn-in absorbent pad, you simply need to put the belly band into the washer and dryer every so often to clean it. If you are using a belly band on your male dog every day of the week, you may want to purchase more than one band to use on your male dog when the others are being cleaned.
There are several reasons why it is important to clean your male dog’s belly bands. First, if you fail to clean your male dog’s belly band, the urine could irritate your male dog’s skin. Also, if your male dog wears a soiled belly band for too long, the urine could even burn your male dog’s skin. This is very uncommon when a male dog only wears a belly band for a few hours. However, improper cleaning could cause this to become a more common occurrence.
If you decide to purchase a belly band that utilizes reusable pads, you will need to change your male dog’s pad every day or so to prevent your male dog’s skin from becoming irritated. You will also need to wash the entire belly band every so often to properly clean it and give your male dog a fresh belly band to wear.
Q: How do you wrap a male dog belly?
The easiest way to wrap your male dog’s belly is to use a belly band. Belly bands are an effective solution to prevent male dogs from marking their territory inside your home. When purchasing a belly band for your dog, make sure to measure your male dog’s waist properly using a fabric tape measure or a piece of yarn.
Q: Can you train male dogs not to mark?
Yes, with proper training you can prevent your male dog from marking. If you are looking to prevent your male dog from marking inside your home, using a belly band can also be an effective solution to prevent your male dog from staining your home while you are attempting to stop them from marking.
Using belly bands on male dogs
In summary, belly bands are not only an effective solution to prevent your male dog from marking its territory inside the home or to help a male dog with incontinence, but they are also easy to use and easy to clean. If you are looking to purchase a belly band for your male dog, make sure to size your male dog properly and purchase a belly band that is highly absorbent.
By purchasing an absorbent belly band, you will be able to protect your home from urine stains. Most belly bands can be cleaned easily. All you need to do is throw them in the washer and dryer. Then they are ready to use again. Yes, it’s that simple.
Once again, thanks for choosing PlanetUrine for all your urine stain and pet odor needs. We are always around to assist you and your beloved pets!
At Planet Urine, we pride ourselves on being a full-service resource for those who need help with their dog’s behavior issues. We offer some excellent products that can remove urine stains (and smells!) from virtually any surface. If you have any questions at all about our products or services feel free to call our 24 hour toll-free hotline at 888-286-ODOR (6367).

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