Dog Housebreaking
Dog Housebreaking
For puppy owners and those who are planning on making a puppy addition to their family, learning how to properly housebreak a puppy is of vital importance. Fortunately, if you are patient and above all consistent, housebreaking your puppy or dog should not be too difficult of a process. Let’s take a look at some of the basic steps.
First of all, it is very important that you offer your puppy consistent and frequent opportunities to do their business outdoors where you want them to. By taking your new friend outside right when they wake up, after they play, and after they eat, you will give them opportunities to eliminate outdoors. Puppies have small bladders, and this means that they have to go frequently, so you have to make sure they have plenty of opportunities to go where you want them to go.
There is no way to overemphasize the importance of positive reinforcement. Dogs respond immensely well to praise and treats. When your puppy eliminates where you want him to, follow up with praise, a treat, or some play time so that they associate the experience with positive rewards.
One important factor when housebreaking you dog is to make sure you clean up “accidents” effectively. Dogs, like cats, respond powerfully to smell, and if they smell their urine or feces in the home, there is a good chance they will think that inside the home is the proper “elimination location.” At Planet Urine we carry a number of great urine removal products including UrineOut Powder and No-P! Housebreaking Aid. We have a fully trained staff of experts who can help you out throughout the housebreaking process, and we even have a toll free hotline should you need any immediate help: 888-286-6367.

We invite you to ask our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist any question that you have about: train kitten to use litter box, cat litter box problems, potty training dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop dog urinating in house, potty train dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop male dog marking, etc. You will receive personal attention with suggestions and tips for FREE, so please, don’t be shy and ask away! NOTE: We do not sell or give away your email address or any information to anybody except our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist.