CAT urine stains and smells
Cat Urine Smells and Stains Eliminated Once and For All
The smell of cat urine can be extremely potent and fill an entire house. We have helpful tips and products to remove odor and pet stains, and prevent future accidents!
It is not at all uncommon for cat owners to have their normally quite housebroken cat have an “accident.” This should not be a cause for concern, but if the accident is not properly cleaned, and the cat can still smell the cat urine, there is a good chance that the cat will urinate there again. Removing the stain quickly and thoroughly is of utmost importance.
At Planet Urine we understand cat and dog urine more than anyone on the market today. Even more, we understand cat and dog behaviors. Eliminating the cat urine smell is only one part of the removal process. First you have to remove the stain, and for that we recommend our UrineOut dry powder removal system.
Once you have thoroughly removed the stain with our UrineOut Powder, you will then need to make sure that the cat urine smell is also completely removed. We carry a product called No-P! Housebreaing Aid that does just that. Spraying No-P! Housebreaking Aid on a removed stain is further insurance that none of your animals will detect the former stain and be “inspired” to urinate in your home. All situations are unique, so if you have any questions about stain removal or odor removal products, please do not hesitate to call us at our toll free 24 hour hotline: 888-286-ODOR (6367).

We invite you to ask our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist any question that you have about: train kitten to use litter box, cat litter box problems, potty training dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop dog urinating in house, potty train dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop male dog marking, etc. You will receive personal attention with suggestions and tips for FREE, so please, don’t be shy and ask away! NOTE: We do not sell or give away your email address or any information to anybody except our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist.