Cat Urine Odor
In the world of cat urine there are two major offenses that you have to deal with. First there is the stain. The second, and perhaps more troublesome offense is the actual odor of the feline urine. Cat urine is phenomenally odoriferous and as persistent as the cats themselves. Finding a way to get rid of the cat urine odor is foremost on the top of many cat owners’ lists of dreams.
At Planet Urine we completely understand the cat urine problem through and through. We are specialists at completely and permanently removing pet stains including the most difficult pet stains of all, i.e. cat urine. We utilize a revolutionary dry powder pet stain removal technique that approaches the problem the way no other pet stain remover does.
Cat urine odor can unfortunately be a problem even for those of us who do not even own cats. If you move into an older home, you may not smell anything at first, but as the months go on, the odor from an improperly treated cat urine stain can start to surface. You might be dealing with cat urine stained carpets, walls, and even floors. You need not panic. At Planet Urine, we can help.
Our revolutionary UrineOut Powder urine stain and odor remover is actually a powder. There is no “blotting” necessary, and the remover does not utilize any liquid. By not adding liquid to the equation we eliminate the possibility of allowing the odor crystals to spread and disburse themselves. We know that removing a cat urine odor can be a difficult and stressful ordeal, and that is why we have a toll free 24 hour hotline: 888-286-ODOR (6367). Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns you might have.

We invite you to ask our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist any question that you have about: train kitten to use litter box, cat litter box problems, potty training dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop dog urinating in house, potty train dogs, housebreaking older dogs, stop male dog marking, etc. You will receive personal attention with suggestions and tips for FREE, so please, don’t be shy and ask away! NOTE: We do not sell or give away your email address or any information to anybody except our Dog Behaviorist or Cat Behaviorist.