What Is the Most Effective Way to Get Dog Urine Off Your Hardwood Floors?

Dog urine can be a problem not just for your exterior areas and carpets, but also for hardwood floors. In many cases, if dog urine stays on a hardwood area for a longer period of time, it will become embedded into the wood, and the odor will persist long after you took measures to mop […]

Written By HW HW

On June 5, 2020

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Dog urine can be a problem not just for your exterior areas and carpets, but also for hardwood floors. In many cases, if dog urine stays on a hardwood area for a longer period of time, it will become embedded into the wood, and the odor will persist long after you took measures to mop it up and remove the stain.

Deodorizers and other superficial solutions might temporarily get rid of the smell, but it will return once the substance wears off. Also, pet urine can cause significant structural damage to wood over time, which means you might have to repair or replace your hardwood floor eventually, if your pet keeps peeing on it.

What Is the Most Effective Way to Get Dog Urine Off Your Hardwood Floors?

Fortunately, you can also use quicker and less expensive methods for removing dog urine smell from wood floors. Check out UrineOut Powder marketed by Planet Urine. It removes old urine, as well as new urine stains and odors. Another diy option is using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that has been known to be extremely effective in neutralizing the odors and active agents present in pet urine, even after it has been absorbed into a wooden surface. By applying hydrogen peroxide to the stain and placing a cloth on top that was soaked in the substance and covered by a plastic wrap, you’ll find that the odor and the stain will disappear pretty quickly and without showing up again.