5 Things You Need to Do to House Train That New Quarantine Puppy

Bringing home a new puppy will enlarge your family with a super-cute, four-legged furry member and will bring you lots of joy, too, but be prepared that you will have some work to do, too. House training your puppy is very important – you should start setting the rules and helping your puppy learn them […]

Written By HW HW

On September 15, 2020

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Bringing home a new puppy will enlarge your family with a super-cute, four-legged furry member and will bring you lots of joy, too, but be prepared that you will have some work to do, too. House training your puppy is very important – you should start setting the rules and helping your puppy learn them from day one.

5 Things You Need to Do to House Train That New Quarantine Puppy

Here are some tips how to do it right:

  • Determine the rules – sit down with your entire family and discuss the rules that everyone should comply with. Discuss whether your puppy will be allowed in the house and which of your rooms it will be allowed to enter and determine the tasks that each of your family members will be in charge of;
  • Follow your puppy closely for a few days – puppies tell you when they need to go out, so pay attention to the signs. Rubbing the puppy’s nose into its excrement is not a good way of house training the pet – a much more efficient way is to follow the puppy and to take it outside whenever it starts becoming agitated or sniffing around to find a good place; Removing pet stains on hardwood floors is difficult, so be ready with the best cleaner available through Planet Urine to avoid permanent stains and smells.
  • Create a schedule for your puppy – determine the time of the day when your puppy needs to go out and make sure that your young dog can go outside in those periods. Puppies learn very fast, so if you are willing to invest the time and the energy, you are likely to have a house trained pet in a couple of weeks.