5 Effective Ways to Get Dried Dog Poop Off Your Carpet

As most pet owners already know, dog poop can harden quite quickly, and once it’s hardened on a carpet or rug, it can be notoriously difficult to remove. Here are a few of the best tips you can use to do so without damaging your carpet with any overly aggressive methods: Use a common broom […]

Written By HW HW

On January 5, 2021

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5 Effective Ways to Get Dried Dog Poop Off Your Carpet

As most pet owners already know, dog poop can harden quite quickly, and once it’s hardened on a carpet or rug, it can be notoriously difficult to remove. Here are a few of the best tips you can use to do so without damaging your carpet with any overly aggressive methods:

  1. Use a common broom and dust pan to get most of the dog poop off your carpet. Once it hardens, it won’t stick, so this measure should be successful to some extent.
  2. Unfortunately, when the excrement has hardened inside the carpet itself, it’ll be much harder to get the smaller particles out. A vacuum cleaner will do that job more efficiently.
  3. Even after using an efficient vacuum cleaner and getting more than 99% of the poop off your carpet, the stain and odor it leaves behind can still be a problem. To remove them, get an enzyme-based formula from Planet Urine that can tackle the problem at its core, and use it on the stain itself.
  4. As an alternative to cleaning agents you can buy online or at the pet store, you can also try a homemade soda and lemon formula. It is considered one of the best natural alternatives to chemical cleaning formulas.
  5. When scrubbing the stain off – regardless of the type of cleaner you use – make sure never to scrub outwards, as it would extend the stain to previously unaffected areas. Instead, gently scrub inwards, towards the center of the stain, until it’s removed entirely.
  6. If your dog continues to have problems making messes on your carpet, consider using pet diapers at those times you cannot ensure your dog has access to the outside.